
St Sava - school slava


Last night, our Serbian language school has celebrated its patron saint - St Sava, the founder of Serbian schools and education.

The parents and children first gathered at Vespers service in memory of the first Serbian Archbishop. Other parishioners were present too, and enjoyed the living proof of guarding the Serbian faith and name amongst the new generation, in the new homeland.

Even the smaller kids were comfortable with long Orthodox services and their older friends already help the priеsts offer the prayers to our Lord.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Mt 19,14)

After the end of Vespers, we commenced the consecration and cutting of the Slava cake.

The turning of Slava cake by the hands of the youngest members of our community has warmed the hearts of everyone present. In that moment, the Christ was truly amongst us - was, and will be.1

After the end of the ceremony, our teacher Emiija Simic invited the students to recite traditional poems in commemoration of St Sava, the protector and supporter of Serbian Orthodox pupils and students across the globe.

Almost everyone participated - youngest and older children alike, and were given a round of applause: the children for courage and willingness to speak the language of their ancestors, and the parents for the effort of raising their kids in Serbian faith and tradition.

At the invitation of Fr Milorad and Fr Petar, our kids then took the antidoron and small gift at the end, and stayed for a bit longer in the church hall.

In his address at the end, Fr Milorad has thanked our teachers Miljana Vlajic and Emilija Simic for their devoted еducation of generations of Serbian children over the years. From next year, our new teachers will be Jelena Popratnjak and Milan Todorovic - we congratulate them on this praiseworthy responsibility in our community!

Fr Milorad has announced the beginning of new school year for Saturday, 6 February 10-13h. For all the information and details how to apply contact our teachers on

  1. Reference to the words of priest upon breaking the Slava cake: “Christ amongst us” and response of the celebrants: “He is and will be.” ↩︎