
Nativity Celebrations


Dear brothers and sisters,

We enclose the photos from the Nativity celebrations and the following useful links:

Christmas Encyclical of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Bishop Siluan’s Christmas Encyclical

Christmas Issue of the Parish Herald

Printed version of the Christmas issue of the Herald can be obtained from the tutor’s desk for a voluntary gold coin donation.

Christmas Eve


The celebration of Christmas this year included our dear Bishop Siluan serving the Divine Liturgy on the Christmas Day. Vladika held an inspired homily about the significance of upholding our Orthodox Christian faith in these modern times, where, unfortunately, the contact with the Creator is almost entirely lost, by focusing on the modern idolatries instead: technology, science and, above all, the omnipresent man’s seduction to self, where everything is allowed and truth is relativised to absurdity.

After the Liturgy, Bishop Siluan has broken the Christmas bread with the youngest parishioners.