
Dormition Fast


The Dormition Fast starts tomorrow, Friday 14th of August, and lasts for next two weeks, including the Feast day of Dormition of Most Holy Mother of God on 28th August when eating fish is allowed.

Fish is also allowed on Holy Transfiguration (19th August). During all other days during the fast, no meat, eggs or dairy products are allowed and the fast is presribed as follows:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: “dry eating” 1

Tuesday and Thursday: food prepared without use of oil, no wine

Saturday and Sunday: food prepared with oil

Naturally, these rules are for healthy adults. Oil and wine may be allowed for the old, ill, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, children and persons at work requiring physical exertion.

However, if we want the Fast to truly benefit us, cleanse and draw us nearer to Theothokos and our Lord, it is even more necessary that we moderate ourselves in spiritual sense. To abstain from sinful, indecent and evil thougths, words and deeds. Not to fall into anger and gossip, but to reconcile and support each other; to be merciful and willing to help one another; to hold our prayers firm, both individual and common; to read Holy Scripture and spiritually benefitial literature, instead of “relaxing” in front of the TV, telephone and computer.

Contact your clergy, who will give you the best advice and direct you to an appropriate fasting rule, taking into account your physical and spiritual condition.

Let us prepare for Dormition Fast with common prayer gathering by following the live broadcast of Akathist to Most Holy Mother of God at 6pm tonight:

Broadcasts how-to: - Respectful prayer * Questions and answers * Buy the candles

  1. Xerophagy - the food taken once a day without oil or wine, predominantly dry and uncooked. ↩︎